The federal government has declined to continue funding free meals for all students for the upcoming school year. This means all families will need to carry a positive balance in their children's school meal accounts to ensure that their students have the nutrition they need throughout the day to learn. HSD families that do not fill out the Free & Reduced Meal Application or do not qualify will be charged for meals beginning in August 2022. The Free & Reduced Meal Application can qualify you for more than just meals. You could qualify for school-related scholarships and discounts on college and testing fees.
Visit our website to see current meal prices. Begin budgeting now or complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application to ensure your child is ready for the first day of school. PLEASE NOTE: If you filled out an application last year, you still need to complete one for the upcoming school year. You can apply online through our Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Once youโre logged in, click the More tab. If you do not remember your Parent Portal login information, please contact Jean Hudson.
Questions? Contact Chris Beach, Child Nutrition Director 605-743-9031