The Harrisburg Boys Basketball season is set to tip-off on December 10th against Yankton, a longtime rival. Since the end of last season, players worked through an offseason training program that included weight room work three to four days a week combined with skill development two days a week during the summer. Scott Langerock, head coach of the boys’ basketball team, works to provide players with many opportunities to develop their strength, skills, and relationships with teammates and coaches. “What we want from our guys is to show up for the season with confidence in themselves, their skills, and their teammates,” said Coach Langerock. “We love watching them develop physically and skill-wise from April to the next season.” Working with Langerock to structure offseason training are Rony Sieperda and Joel Lubovich, the strength and conditioning coaches at Harrisburg High School. Since the summer training program ended in July, the team has had workouts two days a week before school that will go until team practices start in November, which marks the beginning of the season.
Playing on the high school basketball team takes serious determination, dedication, and tenacity. Sophomore, Tate Larson, and junior, Colin Coleman, who both played on the team last year, has been preparing for the upcoming season by waking up around 6:45 nearly every summer morning to put in the work. “Though there is nobody forcing me to go to these workouts,” says Tate, “having a love for the game and wanting to get better pushed me each day.”
Some players set goals for personal motivation; they may also be used as something to work towards. Without goals, players may find it difficult to motivate themselves. Because of this, Colin Coleman set general goals for the upcoming season: “My goal is to be a solid role-player and get all the rebounds I can in the upcoming season.” Although these two athletes also play other sports, both said they found a healthy balance between other commitments and basketball and are excited about the upcoming season.