Graduation for the 2018-2019 school year is right around the corner; this year, graduation has been moved to the Sioux Falls Arena. The ceremony, taking place on Sunday, May 19, at 1:00PM, will stay relatively similar to years past. High school principal, Mr. Rollinger explained, “The major change is going to be the venue. We have approximately 260 students participating in the ceremony this year, and we estimate that the crowd numbers will be more than our gym can legally hold. With the move to the Sioux Falls Arena, we will have plenty of space. The setup of the Arena is a bit different, but overall the ceremony will be very similar.” Consequently, the total number of people anticipated to attend is around 3,000, which is just over thirty-five percent of the available seating in the Arena, whereas that number far surpasses the available seating in the HHS Gymnasium. For future graduates of Harrisburg, the ceremony will continue in the SF Arena as long as there is a single high school. After this year, there will be other options for graduation as well, for example live streaming the event itself.
With the conclusion to the seniors’ high school careers so close, many reflect on not just the knowledge they’ve learned here at HHS, but also the real-world skills they have gained to prepare for the world beyond the high school walls: self-motivation, time management, and collaboration, to name a few. Everyone at Harrisburg High school wishes all of the seniors the best of luck in their various future aspirations!