Yearbook orders can be placed now online. We are only taking online orders this year!
about 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Yearbook Orders
We are looking for snow toys for our learners for outside play time.
about 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Snow Toys
Check out all of the amazing opportunities for learners coming up at the Harrisburg Family STEM 🔬🕹⚙️✖️ Festival on Thursday, January 24th. Vendor booths and a selfie station will also be present!
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
STEM Festival
HHS Cheerleaders 🐯📣 are putting on a Youth Cheer Camp on Saturday, February 9th. See flyer for details:
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Youth Cheer Camp
If you or your family has been affected by the ongoing government shut down you may be eligible for free or reduced meals. To apply, please go to the Campus Parent Portal and fill out the application listed under Applications/Form. If you have any questions please contact Chris Beach at 605-743-9031 or
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
December Tiger on Track students demonstrated Listening with Understanding and Empathy!! Also pictured are our "Paws"itive Note Winners!
about 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Are you in need of winter clothing apparel for you or your family? Stop by our Free Winter Coat Distribution Drive - 12/18 @ Liberty Elementary Community Room from 4pm - 7pm. All items are free as needed.
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Winter coats
We would like all learners to wear their Freedom Elementary shirts this Friday! Looking forward to seeing lots of maroon!
about 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Freedom has decided to focus the month of December on demonstrating and understanding empathy; we will be focusing on giving back to the community. Each grade is going to have a different focus and their pods will have boxes to collect the items.
about 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Freedom Gives Back
PTO event at Air Madness - next Thursday, Dec. 6th.
about 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Air Madness
An important reminder during this time of year. Be safe out there, Tigers!
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Be safe out there!
Registration is open for the December 1st Science Saturday! This session will have a “HOLIDAY” theme. Have your 3rd-5th grade student join us Saturday, December 1st from 9:00 am - Noon at Harrisburg High School (Harrisburg and out-of-district children welcome). Elementary students will rotate through eight hands-on breakout sessions put together by our own HHS HOSA members. The cost is $20.00 per student, to be paid at registration (checks can be made out to HHS HOSA and include your child’s name on the memo line). Please see the flyer below and attached for more information.
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Science Saturday
A reminder there will be EARLY RELEASE tomorrow and NO SCHOOL Thursday or Friday. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 🐯🇺🇸
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
We kicked off our Freedom Fundraiser yesterday. Packets were sent home with each learner with more instructions. Thank you for supporting our school!
about 6 years ago, Kyle Knips
Freedom Fundraiser
Call us, maybe? 📞🐯 Incoming calls have been restored. Thank you for your patience while Midco resolved the issue.
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
The Harrisburg School District wishes you safe travels this Thanksgiving. May love, joy and happiness be yours! As a reminder, there will be Early Release on November 21, and No School November 22/23. 🦃🇺🇸🐯
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
It's American Education Week! Your Tiger Teachers and support staff do an amazing job keeping students safe and ready to learn. If you see a teacher or staff member this week, be sure to thank them! 🐯❤️
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
American Education Week
Please check out the flyer for more information about upcoming dress up days for special events.
over 6 years ago, Kyle Knips
Upcoming Dress Up Days (Friday & Monday)
Veteran's Lunch - provided by Freedom Student Council is Monday, Nov. 12th. If your child is going to have a Veteran visitor for lunch that day, please RSVP to our office at or 743-2567 ext. 3020 by the end of the day tomorrow!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Veteran's Day Lunch
Movie night at Freedom on this Friday, Nov. 9. Doors open at 6:15, movie starts at 6:30!
over 6 years ago, Jen Balster
Incredibles 2