Adventure Elementary School is excitedly buzzing as they receive a generous gift from the All Kids Bike program, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing physical education in schools. The program awarded the school 24 bikes, helmets, and even an instructional bike for Mrs. Denman, Adventure Elementary School’s PE teacher. The generous grant ensures that each child can experience the joy of riding a bike in a safe and supportive environment.
Some dedicated student council members volunteered to help assemble the bikes. Their commitment to the cause showcases the school's dedication to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among its students.
With the bikes now assembled and ready to roll, Adventure Elementary students are eager to dive into their first lesson. Mrs. Denman, equipped with her instructional bike, is excited to guide the young riders through the essential skills of balancing, leaning, maneuvering, and spatial awareness.
This generous grant will create lasting memories and valuable life skills for the children of Adventure Elementary. Thank you to Dr. Rasmussen, Mrs. Kali Denman, and the All Kids Bike program.