Log In
NOTE: To log into HSDConnect you MUST USE your Harrisburg email address and computer login password.
For assistance, see information in the column to the right.
New Employees
Welcome to the Harrisburg School District!
To access HSDConnect, use your login sheet provided by the Technology Department. Be sure to use your HARRISBURG EMAIL and PASSWORD to access the Intranet.
For assistance or errors, see information in the column to the right.
What is it?
HSDConnect is your one-stop-shop for Staff to access District News and Resources, including all Staff Frequently Used Links, Human Resource & Business Office Forms, Documents & Information.
So do I need to use this site to get to other sites I use often?
Nope. For sites you use on a regular basis (like WebLink or Infinite Campus), bookmark them in your browser so you have them when you need them. See the section on Bookmarks below for assistance.
Although all links District staff use are housed on HSDConnect's Frequently Used Links page, there is no need to have to log into HSDConnect to access those sites.
HSDConnect is for accessing secure District news, resources and information.
Examples: Insurance Information, District Calendar Events, Professional Development Information, Upcoming HR or Business Office Deadlines.